minimal python code

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minimal python code

Hi! here is an "hello world" python code for the IG streaming API, enjoy :)

import sys,requests

# IG rest API parameters

rest_api_key = "<your ig api key>"
rest_identifier = "<your ig username>"
rest_password = "<your ig password>"

# IG rest login request

rest_url = ""

headers = {}
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
headers["Accept"] = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
headers ["Version"] = "2"
headers ["X-IG-API-KEY"] = rest_api_key

request_json = {}
request_json["identifier"] = rest_identifier
request_json["password"] = rest_password

rest_response = requests.request("POST", rest_url, headers=headers, json=request_json)
if rest_response.status_code != 200:
print("error", rest_response.status_code, rest_url, rest_response.text)

# collect params from IG rest login response

xst = rest_response.headers["X-SECURITY-TOKEN"]
cst = rest_response.headers["CST"]

response_json = rest_response.json()
current_account = response_json["currentAccountId"]
lightstreamer_endpoint = response_json["lightstreamerEndpoint"]

# IG streaming login request

streaming_url = "{}/lightstreamer/create_session.txt".format(lightstreamer_endpoint)

steaming_user = current_account;
steaming_password = "CST-{}|XST-{}".format(cst, xst)

query = {}
query["LS_op2"] = "create"
query["LS_cid"] = "mgQkwtwdysogQz2BJ4Ji kOj2Bg"
query["LS_user"] = steaming_user
query["LS_password"] = steaming_password

streaming_response = requests.request("POST", streaming_url, data=query, stream=True)
if streaming_response.status_code != 200:
print("error", streaming_response.status_code, streaming_url, streaming_response.text)

# collect params from streaming response

streaming_session = None
control_domain = None
streaming_iterator = streaming_response.iter_lines(chunk_size=80, decode_unicode=True)
for line in streaming_iterator:
print("line", line)
if ":" not in line:
[param,value] = line.split(":",1)
if param == "SessionId":
streaming_session = value
if param == "ControlAddress":
control_domain = value
if streaming_session and control_domain:

# open control connection and subscribe EURUSD

control_url = "https://{}/lightstreamer/control.txt".format(control_domain)

query = {}
query["LS_session"] = streaming_session
query["LS_schema"]="BID OFFER"

control_response = requests.request("POST", control_url, data=query)
if control_response.status_code != 200:
print("error", control_response.status_code, control_url, control_response.text)

# stream prices

for line in streaming_iterator:
print("line", line)

Thank You

Hi vitolomele

You just helped me a lot.
Thank you very much!



Many thanks. This enabled me to login to my account. However it does not stream prices but only returns 'PROBE'. Any idea as to what I am doing wrong?

Further to this: do you happen to have a 'Hello World' that enables one to do a trade?


thank you very much vitolomele. I was stuggeling for almost two hours until I found your sample code and immediately found the error. I was using a wrong parameter ...

Thanks ! :)



I've just started out with the API and came across this sample code, but like a previous poster, although I can connect, whichever EPIC code I try I just get:

line PROBE

Rather than any actual prices coming through.

I've tested my API key in the API companion and prices come through correctly there, so it suggests something is wrong with the request, but the documentation is very limited so I can't work it out.

I presume something has changed since this code was originally written, but is anyone able to suggest where the correction needs to be, as without much help from the docs I'm a bit stuck!

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